Всем доброго времени суток.
На парах сегодня заняться нечем было, вот и решил написать небольшой архиватор и "разархиватор".
Программки очень простые-консольное приложение с использованием функций библиотеки PureLZMA.
; PureBasicLZMA Maker (*.pblzma) ; Coded by AgManiX de Mal the Heaven Fire ; www.AMXdM.tk ; ;{ version.s="0.2.9" ;} time.s=FormatDate("%hh:%ii:%ss", Date()) OpenConsole() ConsoleTitle("PureBasicLMZA Archive Maker "+version) PrintN("") PrintN(" PureLZMA Archive Maker "+version+" by AgManiX de Mal the Heaven Fire") Print(" Project homepage: ") : EnableGraphicalConsole(1) : ConsoleColor (2,0) : PrintN("www.AMXdM.tk/pblzma") : ConsoleColor (7,0) PrintN("") PrintN("Do you really want To create pblzma archive?[y/n]") Print(" ->") result$=Input() If result$<>"y" PrintN("Hm...ok!The press Enter To exit") Input() Else PrintN("OK!Type archive name then.") PrintN("E.g: C:\MyArch it will create file MyArch.pblzma in C:") Print(" ->") archive.s=Input() EndIf If PureLZMA_Archive_Create(archive+".pblzma") PrintN("Type path to directory and file mask which you want compress in archive.") PrintN("Eg: C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\*.*") Print(" ->") files.s=Input() PrintN("OK! Adding files, please wait!") If PureLZMA_Archive_AddFiles(files,1,#PureLZMA_StorePathRelative)>0 PrintN("All files compressed!") PrintN("Visit www.AMXdM.tk") PrintN("Press Enter to exit...") Input() Else PrintN("Files hasn't been compressed!Error,error....") PrintN("Press Enter to exit...") Input() EndIf PureLZMA_Archive_Close() Else PrintN("Can't create archive!Error,error...") PrintN("Press Enter to exit...") Input() EndIf
; Ðàñïàêîâêà àðõèâà ñ èìåíåì MyArchive.arc â ïàïêó C:\Test\ Procedure Install(archive.s,path$) ArchiveInfo.LZMA_ArchiveInfo If PureLZMA_Archive_Read(archive.s) Status = PureLZMA_Archive_FindFirst() While Status PureLZMA_Archive_GetArchiveInfo(@ArchiveInfo) PureLZMA_Archive_Extract(path$+"\"+GetFilePart(ArchiveInfo\Filename)) Status = PureLZMA_Archive_FindNext() Wend PureLZMA_Archive_Close() PrintN(GetFilePart(archive)+" extracted!") PrintN("Press Enter to exit...") Input() Else PrintN("Extraction failed. Press Enter to exit...") Input() EndIf EndProcedure OpenConsole() ConsoleTitle("PureBasicLZMA Archive Extractor") PrintN("") PrintN("PureBasic Archive Extractor by AgManiX de Mal the Heaven Fire") Print(" Project homepage: ") : EnableGraphicalConsole(1) : ConsoleColor (2,0) : PrintN("www.AMXdM.tk/pblzma") : ConsoleColor (7,0) PrintN("") PrintN("Do you really want to extract pblzma archive?[y/n]") result$=Input() If result$<>"y" PrintN("It's bad :'( Press Enter then!") Input() ElseIf result$="y" PrintN("It's good!Write path for archive then!") PrintN("E.g: C:\MyArch.pblzma") Print("Path: ") archive.s=Input() PrintN("And now type path for extracted files!(without slash at the end)") Print(" ->") path$=Input() CreateDirectory(path$) PrintN(" ->Extracting, please wait!") Install(archive,path$) EndIf
страничка: wwwAMXdM.tk/pblzma